Staubli TX2-200 HE - Wash Down Robot

Staubli TS2-40 Stericlean Robot Cell

Staubli HE Robot Demo Cell NZ

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How does CNC Design see Digital Twin systems benefitting New Zealand industry?

A digital twin is a virtual model of your real plant using real data. Using a Digital Twin makes it possible to analyze your existing plant and look…

How does CNC Design see Staubli robots benefitting New Zealand industry?

Based on increasing productivity, Staubli is a global mechatronics solution provider in three dedicated activities – connectors, robotic…

How does CNC Design see Industrial Edge devices benefitting New Zealand industry?

Industry 4.0 strategies facilitate the gathering of increasing quantities of data. This volume of data requires analysis if manufacturers intend to…

How does CNC Design see 5G benefitting New Zealand industry?

As the volume of data from connected equipment increases, efficient data transfer to higher-order systems becomes that much more critical. Data is…

CNC Design 3D Prints Concrete Building

CNC Design have developed Wide Area 3D printers. We currently print in concrete, composite thermoplastics such as ABS with carbon fibre, and high…

How does CNC Design see Gudel benefitting New Zealand industry?

The Güdel Group, established in 1954 and based in Langenthal, Switzerland, is a manufacturer of high-precision machine components and provider of…